Monday, December 26, 2016

Week #37


Skyping the family was good. I tried to Skype from my account, but it wouldn't let me. It said "We see a problem with your login, you are no longer in the USA" and I said, "No I am not" LOL at Skype and at me and at Latvija. 

The thing I miss the most about Christmas in America is "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" 

The greatest movie of our generation. A green furry man has a change of heart. HINT: Repentance. Even the Grinch can make use of Christ's atonement. Merry Christmas.

Also Christmas Shoes.

Latvija is a MESS. Everyone is sassy and pagan/lutheran and they HATE us. I LOVE IT! :)

Nothing happened at transfers for the Elders. Two sisters are switching from Liepaja to Riga. it will be fun.

Week #36

Es tikai raksīšu Latviešu Valodā šodien, un es ceru ka Google Tulkotajs stradas.
Ta bija davana no Eldera Nelsona, mans apmacītajs. Ta ir Deivida Bekama bilde, kura bija uz ielas pirms dažiem menešiem. Bija parsteigums man, un mans prieks bija pilns.
šonedeļ, es ceļoju uz Liepāju un Jelgavu, lai apciemotu Elderu Kāru un Begliju un arī Elderu Nevilu un Rombergeru. Es gaju kopa ar Elderu Bērzu. Viņš bija mans parinieks MTC. Viņš ir cits Zonas Vadītajs. Viņš is zirgs un man nepatik ar vinu stradāt.
Man isti nepatika Liepāja. Es domaju ka Jelgava is smukāk un skaistāk. Bet man vienalga, jo es kalpoju Rīgā un par to, esmu laimigs.
Es arī domaju ka Jūta Štata is aukstāk neka Latvija. Es jutu līdzi.
Es esmu sajusma par Ziemassvētkiem. Es ceru ka jums visiem būs priecīgus Ziemassvētkus un Laimīga Jauna Gada.
Elders Demīls ir labs parinieks un viņš arī ir labs cilveks. Es ceru ka viņam patic es.

Ar mīlestibu,
Elders Devins Džeims Josts
Here is how google translated it. 😊

I just raksīšu Latvian today, and I hope that Google translator works.
It was a gift from Elder Nelson, my trainers. It is a David Bekama picture, which was on the street a few months ago. It was a surprise to me, and my joy was complete.
this week, I am traveling to Liepaja and Jelgava to visit Elder war and Begliju and also Elder Neville and ROMBERGER. I went along with Elder Birch. He was my companion for MTC. He has a different zone manager. He is a horse, and I do not like them to work with.
I do not really like Liepaja. I think that Jelgava is nicer and more beautiful. But I do not care because I was serving in Riga and on'm happy.
I also think that Utah is colder than in Latvia. I felt along.
I'm excited about Christmas. I hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Elder Demīls is a good companion and he is a good man. I hope that he likes me.
With love,
Elder Devin James Joost

Monday, December 5, 2016

Week #35

I have about 3 minutes to write this. Sorry.

Good week, hopefully next Monday you will hear about a few Baptismal Dates.. :O

Elder Demille is well. All is well.

I got bit by a spider.

I got beat in ping pong by a 60 year old man named Jānis. He won the first 21-19, I won the second 21-19, he won the third 21-17, and he won the forth 21-19. Close, but no cigar (BTW cigars are HUGE here).

Love you all.​​