Monday, October 17, 2016

Week #28

Sestdien Parkā, es domāju ka bija ceturtais jūlijs.

I sing that everytime we are in a park on saturday. 
(Saturday, in the park, i think it was the forth of july.)

Only because Elder Seegmiller shared his political thoughts with you, I will share mine: We are done. America is doomed. (Not really, I agree with Elder Seegmiller that we cannot get "Too" crazy, but we need to be careful. I just barely voted, and though I considered writing in Ron Paul (Obvious best choice) I resisted the urge. I will not say who I voted for but it wasn't an orange man or a liar. I pray as well that the Ben Carson sticker is still on the bumper of my car.

The real race that matters, however, is the US House of Representatives District 4 race between Mia Love and Doug Owens. For the sake of everything that is holy, please vote for Doug Owens, we need Mia Love out of office. Doug is a good solid man and will do great things. (Also, vote Superdell haha)

This week was good.

Had some lessons with potentials, nothing came out of that. A lot of contacting and a lot of bailed lessons as well. Thus is life in Riga Latvija as a missionary. Lots of time to fill. People are funny though. They either love us or they hate us.

Marta taught her first lesson in Sunday School and she brought her cousin. SHE IS WONDERFUL.

No one really progressing. We will start at square one and get back to you in a week. 

Almost done training WOW.

Love you all. Pictures next week.

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